I don't really have anything interesting to post; I'm basically just trying to keep up with everything before the holidays. Shopping is no where near "started," I'm hoping to be able to make presents for the kids & family this year. I started a commissioned piece last night with a due date prior to Christmas.
So, how about a year in review? Well, not really, but maybe things I've found myself thankful for over the last year; the year of the Dragon, a time of good fortune. Within the past year I've discovered that this "good fortune" tends to come with mixed blessings or in a way that the "good" part of it aren't really discovered until some time later.
I'm thankful for a family I love and adore. My daily life is surrounded by an immediate family that is pure chaos and love. Amazing Adam and I have known each other since we were knee-high to a grasshopper, been friends forever, and have finally brought each other a relationship full of love and laughter. I've found someone to rely on and that I look forward to spending time with every day. I'm more spoiled than I realize and I can only hope I thank him enough.
Amazing Adam!
The kids we have between us are like sugar and spice and everything nice, but definitely are snips and snails and puppy dog tails, and all covered in a nutty crust. I can't remember a day where I haven't laughed or smiled over something they've done or said.
Aurora, Riley & Jacob - Summer 2009
As the oldest, my Riley (13), is growing up fast, has started middle school and is seeming to have only a few bumps as he's adjusting. Still playing trombone in band and doing really well. He's starting to show interest in things that Amazing Adam enjoys like Magic: The Gathering, he's even going with Amazing Adam to run errands and just spend time with him. I love watching them together, it warms my heart. However, he's also showing signs of becoming a teenager. Lord, help me! I told him a long time ago that it was my job as a parent to piss him off, so if I do things that make him angry or upset - that just means that I'm doing a good job. There's been a bit of that lately, nothing too horrible yet, then again he is only 13.
Riley & Friend, Fall 2012
Darling Aurora (7) is next, and is a ball of bossy, crafty, crazy energy. She's definitely the type of child that if it doesn't fit - force it! She's in 1st grade and absolutely loves her teacher and has even shown interest in a little friend at school; declaring that she's going to marry him. Yeesh! She's doing quite well with her spelling and has become quite the little writer, claiming pages and pages upon pages of paper at school to write stories. This made Amazing Adam quite proud, as he too enjoys the written word.
Aurora, Fall 2012
Little Jacob (5) isn't quite as little as he was when I first met him; all curls and giggly baby; now he's all boy, burping and farting at his sister just to freak her out; construction vehicles and garbage trucks. He started Kindergarten this year and is going great! He also enjoys going to see his teacher, she was Aurora's Kindergarten teacher last year.

Jacob, Fall 2012
Our parents are amazing. Always willing to help us out if we need to stretch between paydays, watching the kids before and after school, being a wonderful sounding board for basic life drama. Then on top of it all - they get along! I can't express how wonderful it is to spend a holiday or birthday with both sides of the in-laws in a joyous and fun atmosphere. I can look forward to family gatherings with a lot of moral support and love. I thank my parents and Amazing Adam's parents for everything they do for us everyday.
Then with both Amazing Adam and I being gainfully employed enough to meet the family's daily needs, I am also thankful. We may not have much, but it seems to be just right for us right now. Beyond our daily work requirements Amazing Adam is officiating his second wedding ceremony tonight for two of our friends, it will be his first same-sex marriage and we're looking forward to it.
Likewise, I'm starting my crochet business. Sometimes, I feel as if I have no idea what I'm doing or what I'm supposed to do; so for now I'm winging it. I've sold some things in the past and have continued to sell things recently; with word-of-mouth, business cards and some casual networking, I'm hoping to build something I can enjoy and be proud of.
Looking back, I am surprised at how many positive things I am fortunate enough to have in my life. I'm looking forward to 2013 to see what the future will bring. Either way, as I'm surrounded by great family and friends, anything is possible.
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